DAV: Hello Guillem
GUIL: Hello David.What happen in your glasses?
DAV: Pau broke them.
GUIL: Jaja. Why?
DAV: Because he was happy and started to touch my head
GUIL: So your glasses were very sensible.
DAV: No no .. Pau is very strong...
GUIL: But where do you buy your glasses?
DAV: In Figueres in the best shop.
GUIL: Yeeees, of course.
DAV: I't's true I can show you the ticket.
GUIL: Ok, ok.
DAV: Now I have to buy other glasses because I can't read
GUIL: And Pau doesn't pay that?
DAV: No, I am a good friend. Well , I tired to talk with you...
GUIL: Ok, ok . As you like I will go to my house to read. And you?
DAV: I can't read but I can watch TV.
GUIL: Jajaja, ok. See you tomorrow good bye.
dilluns, 1 de desembre del 2008
diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2008

In my opinion, I'm not a fashion victim, because don't like the fashion clothes and follow the fashion, but I think that all the people is more a less a fashion victim because all the people like to be beautifull, and the clothes are importants for be more beautifull.
For this reasons, I think that I'm not a fashion victim, but the clothes help you when you want to enter in a social class: for example, if you want to be rapper, you have to wear baggy clothes.
dissabte, 29 de novembre del 2008

SURNAME(S) FIRST NAME(S) Sanz Daunis Guillem
Date of birth (*) 19 Nov 92
Mother tongue(s) Catalan
Other language(s) English
Self-assessment of language skills (**)
Understanding Speaking Writing
Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
B1 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user
(*) Headings marked with an asterisk are optional. (**) See self-assessment grid on reverse. (***) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level if specified on the original certificate or diploma.

We have seen the film: the last knight.
The film talks about a princess whose people are in danger because there is a bad knight that is attacking its territories, to protect her people, the princess will get married to the king Arthur of Camelot, because Camelot is strong royalty that can protect the princes’ territories.
When the princess is going to Camelot for get married to Arthur, the bad knight attacks the princess and her partners, but the princess escapes and finds another knight to protect her, a few minutes later the partners find the princess and carry her to Camelot, but the knight falsl in love with her.
In Camelot, the princess meest the king Arthur and she is very happy for that. Because of the arrival of the princess, in the village square there is a very big party, with a ciruit that nobody can pass, and the knight enters in the circuit and passes it, his prize is a kiss from the princess, but he doesn' want that kiss.
The king impressed with the pride of the knight, asks a question to him because Arthur wants the knight to join the round table, the knight accepts....
We can't see more of the film, but with one hour is impossible to watch the whole film
1rst E-MAIL
Hello, my name is Guillem and I am fifteen years old because my birthday is the October 19th. I live in Castelló d'Empúries with my parents and my brother that is two years older than me. I like play football and watch on TV, I play in the team of the town, Esplais, with other people of the IES, and my favourite football team is Barça. I also like meet friends and laugh with him.
Guillem Sanz Daunis
Guillem Sanz Daunis
divendres, 28 de novembre del 2008

Adrian Mole is thirteen years old and he lives with his parents. He is obsessed with his spots, and is a normal teenager.
Tracy is the same age as Adrian. At first she was a good girl with good marks, but she wanted to be cooler and she started to go around with Evie, the most popular girl in the school, it is possible that she doesn’t have confidence in herself; she starts to steal, to take drugs, alcohol,… But she doesn’t want it because she then she cuts herself.
These are different cases of adolescence, but they have similarities.
• - They have bulling problems at school, Adrian with Berry Kent, who hits him; and Tracy with Evie and the other boys and girls.
• - divorced parents, who are alcoholics, and their parents have new boyfriends or girlfriends
• - don’t have a really good friend, because they haven’t got a person who listens to their problems and helps in everything
I think that Adrien is a normal boy that has problems at home, but Tracy is more exaggerated because her life changes a lot and her family is stranger than Adrian’s family.
diumenge, 23 de novembre del 2008
Costa brava resident, read in 21/10/08
The text talks about the war in Israel, in 2006. There were 33 days with bombs levelling streets, murders. In these days, Israel was the focus of cencerned people around the world.
The text also talks about the photos that the journalist have done, this photos captured the emotion born of this conflict and the physical degredation.
In conclusion, war and its causes are incomprensible.

. raised, alçat
. both, ambdós
. pride, orgul
. murders, morts/assassinats
The text talks about the war in Israel, in 2006. There were 33 days with bombs levelling streets, murders. In these days, Israel was the focus of cencerned people around the world.
The text also talks about the photos that the journalist have done, this photos captured the emotion born of this conflict and the physical degredation.
In conclusion, war and its causes are incomprensible.

. raised, alçat
. both, ambdós
. pride, orgul
. murders, morts/assassinats
dissabte, 22 de novembre del 2008

In the solitary hosue near the forest...
Mike was on his sofa when he heard a strange noise, he felt nervous but didn't stan up, after, he heard another noise, this time, Mike looked for somebody in the house but found nobody. Later, he felt a hand on his neck, but Mike started to run out of house when e was in the garden, he stopped and looked for the man, the man was in the house, at the window of Mike's bedroom, Mike phoned the police but his mobile phone didn't have battery, he decided to take a stick and enter the house to hurt the man. While Mike entered the house, the man was taking Mike's money and after went out, Mike arrived late.
The man ran out of house and entered the forest and got lost, while, Mike was giving his gun and went out of the house and entered in the forest to kill the strange man. After a few moments, Mike saw the man, the man was wearing black clothes and a black cap, Mike was walking to the man, later Mike aimed at him with the gun and the man put his hands, Mike shooted without mercy.
Mike turned dead body and see saw a familiar face, his brother's face, Mike started to cry and shot hisself with the gun, Mike killed hisself.
dimecres, 19 de novembre del 2008
It´s a new from the cnn's web, in 17/11/08
The text talks about South Africa and everything related to the FIFA World Cup. It shows important people talking about the great expense that the country had had and how the people are thrown with the competition, it also shows the stadiums that are being built and explain the transportation to arrive at the stadiums. Then it compares the last World cup in Germany with the future one in South Africa
Despesa- spend
Volcarse- to throw
Sail- governar
Now the 10 best goals in the last fifa world cup
The text talks about South Africa and everything related to the FIFA World Cup. It shows important people talking about the great expense that the country had had and how the people are thrown with the competition, it also shows the stadiums that are being built and explain the transportation to arrive at the stadiums. Then it compares the last World cup in Germany with the future one in South Africa
Despesa- spend
Volcarse- to throw
Sail- governar
Now the 10 best goals in the last fifa world cup
dissabte, 15 de novembre del 2008

CATALONIA TODAY read 16/9/08
"La bomba plans to stay in NBA"
It is a text about Juan Carles Navarro, a Catalan basketball player in the NBA, he was playing in Memphis Grizzlies with a low salary. "La bomba" is happy with his season, especially for the participation at All Stars weekend in the rookies team and because he has the recor for the most rookie three-pointer.
Now, Navarro is a free agent but it's a rumour that Boston Celtics are interested in him.
I can know that it's an old information because Navarro is playing this season in FC Barcelona.
Three new words:
- peformance, representació
- low, baix
- footnote, nota a peu de pàgina
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