dijous, 4 de juny del 2009
I think that this year I have learnt a lot of things, but I believe that I could learn more, because this course we do a lot of writing in blogs and portfolios, but we don't do much grammar. For this reason, I tink that I have improved a lot my writing but my grammar can improve so much.
I believe that this project is well because you can do a lot of writing and learn things about computers, because you will need it in the future, but is possible that the teachers look more at the colours and other things of the blog and not the composition.
In conclusion, I think that we have to change the way to learn english because we can learn more and practise more activities like speaking or listening, because we don't do nothing of that.
I believe that this project is well because you can do a lot of writing and learn things about computers, because you will need it in the future, but is possible that the teachers look more at the colours and other things of the blog and not the composition.
In conclusion, I think that we have to change the way to learn english because we can learn more and practise more activities like speaking or listening, because we don't do nothing of that.
"The price of the houses decrease"

This summer, the price of rent a house will be lower than the last year. The great reason of that is the crisier, because the price of the money also is lower than the last year.
The other reason is that the people have not too money for spend, and think that is not rentable go to Costa Brava
3 new words:
- lower: més poc
- crisi: crisier
- tenant: lloga
Costa brava resident

The story talks about Sandy and Danny, who meet in summer, and when they return to the high school in September, they are in the same school. At first, Danny, who is a cocky, tell to his friends that is a very good girl and they were inlove... and Sandy say that Danny was very romantic, and a good lover.
When they are with their friends, don't talk, but when they are alone, they talk a lot. One day, Sandy decides to change himself because he wants that Danny fall inlove with her another time,...
and we finished the film in this situation...
"Pau Gasol wants to be in the NBA finals"

The catalan star from Sant Boi, is playing this season for LA Lakers, the best team of the american NBA, and he wants to win the trophy and remake himself of the last final, that lost against Boston Celtics.
He has trust in the great star of the team, Kobe Briant, who is the best scorer of the league.
3 new words learnt:
- remake: refer-se
- trust: confiança
- scorer: anotador
Catalonia today
"Obama reaches out to Muslim world"

Barack Obama, the new usa president, thinks that america has to improve the relations with Muslim world, because the last president, George W. Bush worsened the relations with both worlds.
Obama starts another time the relations with they, speaking about that with Egipt president in the white house.
3 new words learnt:
- worsen: empitjorar
- counselor: coseller
- ambassador: ambaixador
bbc news.
In the class
Tania: Jamie, where were you yesterday at night?
Jamie: I went to a party with my friends.
Tania: Oh... I didn't know that.
Jamie: I'm sorry but at the party there weren't girls.
At breaktime
Tania: How was the wekkend?
Polly: Oh very well!! I had a good time!! I was at a party!
Tania: Who did you go with to a party?
Jamie Arrive.
Kiss Tania
Polly: What are you doing with Tania?
Jamie: She is my girlfriend.
Polly: You didn't say taht the other day!
Polly Run
Tania: Tell me, every thing right now.
Jamie: Ok last weekent I was with Polly at the party but I didn't want to, it was a mistake.
Tania: I don't want ton see you anymore!
Polly: Oh I'm sorry I didn't know that Jamie was you boyfriend.
Tania: I don't want to speak to, you anymore!
Polly: This situation is unfair because I didn't know anything about your relationship
Tania: Jamie, where were you yesterday at night?
Jamie: I went to a party with my friends.
Tania: Oh... I didn't know that.
Jamie: I'm sorry but at the party there weren't girls.
At breaktime
Tania: How was the wekkend?
Polly: Oh very well!! I had a good time!! I was at a party!
Tania: Who did you go with to a party?
Jamie Arrive.
Kiss Tania
Polly: What are you doing with Tania?
Jamie: She is my girlfriend.
Polly: You didn't say taht the other day!
Polly Run
Tania: Tell me, every thing right now.
Jamie: Ok last weekent I was with Polly at the party but I didn't want to, it was a mistake.
Tania: I don't want ton see you anymore!
Polly: Oh I'm sorry I didn't know that Jamie was you boyfriend.
Tania: I don't want to speak to, you anymore!
Polly: This situation is unfair because I didn't know anything about your relationship
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